Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Senior Pictures

There it is!  That call from a return client....that call that says "Hi, we need to book a session for Lauren, she's a senior this year!"  Lauren, who just 5 minutes ago was a 12 year old at your studio for her family photo session, and just 5 minutes before was a 7 year old posing for her first dance photos.  Now she's going to step into adulthood right before our camera lens.  The phone conversation echoes with proud yet bittersweet resignation....and lots of planning!
These two sessions of senior portraits are glimpses of just this scenario.  In a (seemingly) short amount of time, a child who we've seen through burps, bruises, bumps, and braces has blossomed into a budding adult.  It is often the most beautiful time of one's life.  There are hopes to be heard, visions to be born and dreams to be realized, and they are trusting us to help them express that.  It is an amazing honor!
We start by listening.  No matter how well we know the members of a family we've worked with, or if it's someone we are just getting to know, everyone likes to be heard.  Listening with an open heart, absent of our own agenda, helps our client express themselves and how they'd like to be portrayed.  We are providing them with portraiture, right?  Even when "big" plans are expressed, flexible boundaries can still be applied....and everyone is grateful as we hold that container. 
A safe, creative, & fun experience has been a hallmark of ours that garners attention from our clients, and quality photography, honest service, and complete reliability brings them back, returning with trust and appreciation.   What more could we ask?
Want to look at more senior portraits? - click here

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