Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Christmas Card Ideas

The pressure to send out holiday cards is fast approaching. We all want to create that special, unique card that stands out amongst the others.  After doing some brainstorming and searching Pinterest, I've compiled a few ideas that will surely get your card noticed.

Wrapping your loved ones in lights. This works best inside a studio with a dark background.

How about silhouettes against the Christmas tree? The glowing magic of this shot will surely dazzle your friends and family.

Props can help turn an ordinary shot into something special. How about a candy cane heart or use large letters to express your message.

One last Christmas card idea is the photo booth. Have your photographer (Bob Stuart of course!) take a series of shots and arrange them as if you just left the photo booth it the mall.

Hope these ideas help you have the best Christmas card ever! And remember even though Bob did not create these particular photographs, he will be more than happy to fulfill your Christmas card dreams!


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

Capturing Musicians

"Just make us look cool"...cries the budding rock star to the young reporter for Rolling Stone Magazine in the 2000 movie Almost Famous. We love that quote....and "get" it! Having also been a musician for most of his life, Bob Stuart has a keen awareness of the (sometimes) delicate persona of a musical artist. The performing artist is often time at the mercy of novice photographers trying to lend a helping hand or capture them in less than ideal situations. 
When we have the opportunity to work with musicians, it is a well planned time, created to facilitate the image the subject has in mind. Many times that means setting up an entire drums set, being mindful of rare instruments, or maybe even an impromptu jam session!  We find that our studio atmosphere is paramount in supporting our clients vision, and most especially for those touched by the music gods!


Monday, November 3, 2014

Creating a Lasting Connection

Creating a Lasting Connection......

One of the most amazing thing any pursuit can yield is lasting relationships. When that happens in your work space it is extra amazing! This couple came to us out of the blue, okay straight from heaven, because they have been a dream!
A maternity session can catch a couple at their most vulnerable. Everything seems new and constantly changing, yet capturing the magic of the time is important. There can be a variety of edges to navigate. We, on the photography end, are trying to reflect the essence of the couple and create a cherished experience. Sometimes that is easier than others! This was one of those times! 
This couple projected their authentic personalities and excitement over their new addition from the beginning. As a result, not only did they have a very successful maternity session, but we've all created a lasting connection! We are fortunate to get to nurture the connection every few months as we continue to capture the growth and changes of their precious little son.
Recently I heard Deepak Chopra say "We don't attract what we want, but who we are"...if this is true, we've received an enormous compliment in coming to know this beautiful family! 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


An amazing part of our photography work is with dancers. The dancers we've highlighted here have been working with us for many years. Their studio is one of the best in the nation and these dancers are a beautiful sampling of the talent and tenacity it takes to achieve success. A new web series featuring these dancers just dropped yesterday. Check it out at  It's called the Road to Nationals. It is such a pleasure to create with dancers! Sessions can be soft and delicate, fierce and edgy, traditional....or way out of the box. The discipline of their art form gives them confidence and patience in working with us and the collaboration never disappoints!


Want to see more of our dance pictures? Click here!

Photography by Bob Stuart is a premier dance photographer in the Raleigh, Durham, Cary area.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Megan's Senior Portraits

L Pearsall Smith said that youth is "...only trying on one face after another, until she finds her own." How Happy we are that the amazing Meggie tried on the faces in her comfort zone before our camera! During the creative process Meggie was brave enough to share her ideas, visions, and dreams, and like she said "they all came true....but better than I imagined." We love the element of surprise Meggie and her family experienced viewing these images for the first time. The added perk of seeing this beautiful young spirit find her creative voice, and have her vision successfully realized is a source of true inspiration. Each "face" was authentic to her personality and another step toward confidence that her choices are valid and who wouldn't be inspired by that?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fall is in the air!

The days are getting a little bit shorter and the morning temperatures a tad crisper. I can see and feel the first few signs of fall. The calm green palette of summer foliage is still going strong, but the beginnings of autumn's vivid colors are showing up here and there. I took these photos a few years ago right about this time of year, the special few weeks where summer fades away and fall begins to emerge.
Here's more Raleigh NC photographer photography



Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Senior Pictures

There it is!  That call from a return client....that call that says "Hi, we need to book a session for Lauren, she's a senior this year!"  Lauren, who just 5 minutes ago was a 12 year old at your studio for her family photo session, and just 5 minutes before was a 7 year old posing for her first dance photos.  Now she's going to step into adulthood right before our camera lens.  The phone conversation echoes with proud yet bittersweet resignation....and lots of planning!
These two sessions of senior portraits are glimpses of just this scenario.  In a (seemingly) short amount of time, a child who we've seen through burps, bruises, bumps, and braces has blossomed into a budding adult.  It is often the most beautiful time of one's life.  There are hopes to be heard, visions to be born and dreams to be realized, and they are trusting us to help them express that.  It is an amazing honor!
We start by listening.  No matter how well we know the members of a family we've worked with, or if it's someone we are just getting to know, everyone likes to be heard.  Listening with an open heart, absent of our own agenda, helps our client express themselves and how they'd like to be portrayed.  We are providing them with portraiture, right?  Even when "big" plans are expressed, flexible boundaries can still be applied....and everyone is grateful as we hold that container. 
A safe, creative, & fun experience has been a hallmark of ours that garners attention from our clients, and quality photography, honest service, and complete reliability brings them back, returning with trust and appreciation.   What more could we ask?
Want to look at more senior portraits? - click here